Eating & Weight

Dr. Gupta specializes in helping adults make lasting changes to daily eating habits (e.g. binge eating, emotional eating) by focusing on concrete behavioral techniques and underlying emotional patterns.

For six years, Dr. Gupta taught a seminar course on Eating Disorders at Barnard College, Columbia University. Prior to that, she trained in the Eating Disorder Program at Weill Cornell / New York Presbyterian hospital.

How can therapy help with eating and weight problems?

Numerous research studies have shown that cognitive behavior therapy is the treatment of choice for binge eating and bulimia. The therapy involves a present-focused approach with actionable steps between sessions. It’s structured and collaborative, meaning you’ll work together with Dr. Gupta to identify realistic goals and strategies to get there.

Our first priority is to help improve the eating patterns that led you to seek therapy. As you feel more confident about your improvements, we can focus on other factors that may have been related to difficulties with eating. 

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